After I removed the pillars, the music room was left floating in the air. Nature abhors a vacuum and so do I. Thus, I have built an art gallery for the Crombies, so they can indulge in a little cultural education in their spare time. Will they use it? Doubtful.

A closer look. The thing blocking the Marilyn Monroe picture is a sort of indoor waterfall. As you can see I put it the wrong way round and haven't noticed until now. I'll fix that later.

The creation of the gallery has also resulted in the world's smallest and most pathetic arboretum.

For some reason the settings were changed slightly when I loaded the game up. Neighbouring houses are visible as are neighbourhood decorations (like Stonehenge...)
This house is Scott's house. It's pixelated and blurry and the roof looks like it's affixed by springs. I think you can tell why I usually have these settings off.
Never mind that for now, I want you all to cast your mind back to when we last encountered the Crombies with whatever twinkly harp glissando sound effect you desire. Catriona and Nooreen had just returned from Bernard's Botanical Diner...

Catriona has made a wrong turn after getting out of the car and become hopelessly lost in the garage, just like Harriet did. I need to stop this happening in the future.

Nooreen goes to work.

Jack's making everyone cereal. Bless. He's also gained a cooking point, apparently. And with it, he's learned a new meal! Most exciting! This is the first time anyone's broken the two cooking skill points barrier.

WARNING: do not feed the stinky politician.

'I'm so awesome.'
Pyke's random nap counter: 1

'Why (CHOMP) does (SPIT) no one ever (SPLAT) want to (GLOMPH) have breakfast with me? (SPEW)'

Pyke knows but does not tell. She's mysterious that way.

As the cornflakes expire, they release some sort of swamp gas. All of the Crombies' food does. I theorise that if we put glasses of water out for a few hours, they too would do the same. The inevitable conclusion of all this is that we could turn ordinary tap water into unlimited biofuel! We just need to work out some way of leaving a reservoir on the Crombies' counter. I only came here with the question, ladies and gentlemen. Only the world's brightest minds can give us the answer.

Pyke crushes my beautiful plan with a mop. Damn and blast it, woman!

I don't think it'd be a good idea to put this guy in the public eye while he's inebriated. Best to let him sleep it off and arrange the meet and greet for another day. I tell Catriona to cancel the event.

I'm getting better at these, I think. Why does it say nearly averting political espionage? I thought replacing the speech would be actually averting political espionage. I don't suppose it's important.

'Still so awesome.'
Pyke's random nap counter: 2

Jack had an epiphany while he was preparing cereal earlier. Something in his brain just clicked and that broad, wonderful world of slapping fried meat between two pieces of bread just suddenly unfurled like a glorious flower in his head. Before now he had no idea how to make burgers, but it seems so obvious now! You put the MEAT between the BREAD. THAT'S JUST INSANE.
Tune in next week when we'll be discovering that bananas are much tastier when you peel them.

Take it easy, Jack, it's only a hamburger.

Pyke goes to work. And loses her right eye. Jack's the only one in the house now.

Jack eats the hamburger then carefully farts on his empty plate to dishonour the defeated rival.

It's so difficult to remain cordial with your friends when they refuse to surrender their limbs to you.

Jack decides to do some bowling to relax from the bomb threat ordeal. He's still rubbish at it.

Catriona's home! The door swings open to greet her before she's anywhere near it. Slightly freaky. She goes straight to bed. Nooreen returns home soon after and does the same thing.

I don't know what he's making this time. It looks like an appetising amalgam of vomit and shit.


Pyke's random nap counter: 3

This is Pyke going to the garage after getting out of bed. The screenshot never took for some reason, so take my word on it.
Pyke's random nap counter: 4
Pyke's going to the garage because it's time for a proper ladies' night out this time. Jack's at work, so it's just the girls.


Catriona wants to freestyle for tips again. Let's see what this is...

Yo yo!
I'm the Rainbow Cottage girl with the cutest face,
I'm bustin' out rhymes all ovah the place!
You bitches better listen, cuz when I'm through,
You're gonna know ev'rything 'bout the Crombies crew,
Yo yo!'

'I got my buddy Jack and his toffee brick,
Muthafucka's got a bathroom where he gets onanistic,
He's down with the homies in the fashion scene,
Designin' and craftin' dresses in aquamarine (bitch, please),
Pink-haired Pyke is the girl with the knowledge,
An atheist with attitude, you know she's from college (peace, y'all!),
That girl knows science, computers and philosophy,
But she don't know shit about higher proctology,
All the bodies in the morgue know the name of Nooreen,
She's killed every major organ but the muthafuckin' spleen,
Her eyes could fry every fool on the planet,
So if you bitches wanna live, ya betta can it!
Yo yo!'

'And I'm Catrionah, the campaign managah,
I run this shit from Spring to the fuckin' end of Decembah,
I've got the power of whisky, vodka, tonics, and gins (fo' sure, dawg),
I drink more beer than twenty Australians!
Yo yo!'

'Peace out, muthafuckas.'

This very pale woman's been watching Catriona silently for a while. She's not dressed like most sims. And her avatar's unusual too.

The moon is not Nooreen.

Pyke's discovered some swings at the other end of the park. They're both occupied, so she's pushing instead. It's the lamest consolation prize in the history of playground entertainment. She's conceding defeat with grace, though, and that's to be commended.


'Why yes, please do. Take as long as you need.'

The world according to Pyke: swinging is analogous to being an aeroplane.
Apparently, If I want to, I can get one of the Crombies to influence Patsy to bite someone's neck. Nooreen's got the most influence so I'll get her to do it. But who should be the victim... hmm...

Say goodbye to your haemoglobins, horrificly ugly woman!

Dawn breaks. before Patsy can get to Alana.

Patsy runs out of the lot and presumably to safety. Which is a shame...

... Because I never wanted to learn that Alana has flowers instead of genitalia.

I've had enough of this place. Let's visit Sim Centre South.

This place isn't interesting either.
As soon as the Crombies arrive, they make their inevitable journey to the coffee stand. I'm wondering if I should set up my own stall near where I live. If this game's anything to believe I could be owning my own house within a fortnight.
Looks like Alana followed the Crombies to the park.

... that symbol is known in-game as 'woohoo'. It's a euphemism for sex. It's a testament to the Crombies' apparent chastity that we haven't seen this symbol before now. Seriously, these guys haven't had a single spark of chemistry with anyone they've ever met. I don't know why Nooreen's talking about sex with Alana of all people but I admire her gumption.
On the downside I am now stricken with a series of terrifying mental images.

What are they talking about now? Prostituion? Any brothel employing Alana would go bankrupt before you could say 'small and flaccid'.

In other news, two men are quietly watching Catriona as she wracks with sobs and wails. Brandon does his usual 'appear in the background' thing. He's been doing a lot of that during the Crombies' outings. Weirdo.


Blonde men with magnificent lower jaws can be so cruel.

Catriona always gets excited when clouds go in front of the sun. It's almost sweet.
Miss Crumpelbottom's made an appearance. What could she be doing here?

That poor man.

Nooreen is lambasted for having the audacity to want to use the public shower. Highly immoral. What an evil looking woman.

'If you so much as expose a toe I will FUCK YOU UP, young woman!'

Nooreen eventually wrenches herself free and angrily goes back into the park. Where she turns her frustration on me.

Hey, I'm sorry okay? You've all just turned out to be as frigid as Buddhist monks with as much charm and allure as a serial tortoise molester. There's nothing I can do! I've tried to get you guys to mingle with other people, but nothing's clicked! Making you guys have sex involuntarily would be cheating.

No, it would damage the artistic integrity of the project.

That's enough fourth wall breaking for one day. It's time to take these girls home.

I do believe Nooreen's been reading That Book too much. I can't be 100% certain, but I think she's proposing a threesome to Catriona.

Whatever Catriona's answer was, Nooreen didn't like it.

Pyke's discovered where I put the computer and is trying out her new game.

'Another bloody fire?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!'
Jack returns from another tiring night of disc jockeying and immediately starts napping on one of the park benches. I'm getting bored of the Crombies persistently doing this. They regain barely any energy while napping on a couch or bench so they end up staying there for ages which is really, really boring. I resolve to replace the benches with something less irksome.

Like easels! Sorry, Crombies, but I'm not allowing you to scare the locals by lounging in front of your house in the middle of the night any more. If you really don't want to sleep, you can do some painting instead.
Well, that's that sorted!

'Bowling's not so awesome.'
Pyke's random nap counter: 5
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