Pyke is playing some jazz and it doesn't sound too bad at all.
But anyway, in the last post I mentioned that I was going to get a bubble blower for Catriona. It was quite big so I built a whole new room to put it in. So, here it is! The recreation room!

The bubble blower, which appears to have been a way to get communal bong parties in past the censors, takes pride of place in the centre of the room. I also included a mini-bar, a lovely couch, and a photo booth. I've no idea what the photo booth is for or exactly what happens when a sim uses it so I stuck it in there out of curiosity. I'm hoping one of the Crombies will try it out at some point.

Nooreen's in a Mills & Boon mood again. Rupert maintains an austere 'it's none of my business' position on the matter.

For goodness' sake, Rupert, I BOUGHT YOU A SCRATCHPOST.

Nooreen tosses Rupert into the air. I challenge anyone to do this and not consequently become the focus of an angry ball of fur and claws.
Rupert is perfectly docile, thankfully.

Jack wakes up and decides that a fine breakfast will give him the get-up-and-go he needs for a fine day.

Catriona, who woke up at the same time, elects the more novel approach of beginning her day with a terrible I've-never-touched-an-instrument-in-my-life guitar rock solo.

... In Pyke's bedroom.
Pyke wandering into the main bedroom to sleep is actually the first time anyone's gone in there, and then Catriona just happens to want to play guitar a few hours later? Coincidence? I think not. The only other room yet to have its door opened is the walk-in closet which I doubt our sims will use, really, I don't think they use the wardrobes without prompting. The rec room hasn't been used either, but I only just put it up.


Nooreen begins her first day of work. She's so serious about her job she salutes the ambulance that's come to pick her up. The driver has the grim determination of a serial killer.

There we go, Jack is now a golf caddy, beginning his long career in finding the ultimate sinecure.

Pyke goes off to work, randomly saying hi to a man in a kilt wandering by. I've got to ask though: do test subjects really have carpools?

'You see, to truly understand art you must look at every line, every brushstroke and ask yourself: "is this good? Is this the best it could be?" Every single point of the picture must interplay and complement every other point or all you will have is a series of colours on canvas and that, sir, that is not art.

'I am the Caravaggio of the 21st century!'

I place the abomination in Jack's favourite room.

Who could it be?

It's Scott of the Brick family!
I'll share some backstory of this character:
Scott is modeled on a real-life friend of Catriona's and incidentally lives next door to the Crombies. So far he has managed to piss off everyone he has come into contact with except for another Sim in the neighbourhood called Sheila who is a sixty-something married woman. They had an affair. It was quite, quite grotesque. Sheila's husband Jacob caught them however and life has not been quite the same in the Cauliflower household since.

This is a man who philanders without regret and BREAKS UP FAMILIES.

The first thing Catriona did upon entering the house was sit down here and smile at nothing. Unsettling.

After being utterly ignored by Catriona who was too busy doing... whatever the hell she was doing, Scott wanders off to...

... sit on the couch and stare at Jack. Jack is frozen to the spot in abject terror.

The computer isn't even on. What's she doing?

Scott knew there was only a 30% probability of Jack regaining consciousness after his vicious psychic assault but he didn't care because he's THAT KIND OF A MAN.

'For me, this painting is all about the clarity of pose, the juxtaposition of different thematic concepts that emphasises the disparate socio-economic nature of humanity's complex interrelation of guilt and need. It says to me that essentially we are, all of us, broken souls.'

'Needs more blue.'

Nooreen, awakes and sits bolt upright. Her skin is glistening with sweat, her heart is palpitating, the adrenaline courses through her veins like acid-fire- ah, wait... it was just a nightmare, Nooreen, you're alright...

*dark, evil chuckling*

Pyke returns and sneaks into Jack's bathroom while he isn't looking.

When she comes out, she is perplexed to find the pasty corpse of a redhead in the jacuzzi.

A cool wind blows and the body is gone! There is nothing but... silence. Pyke stares into the shadows wondering who- or what- may be out there...

She collects herself and walks off. She didn't see anything, it was just a trick of the light.

More bizarre computer game faces. Here we see the easily impressionable Nooreen playing Pacman and attempting to mimic her hero.

'I can't believe he ate all those dots. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY CALORIES DOTS HAVE?!'

'You do exist! You scared the dickens out of me you bastard!'
'I, uh... didn't mean to?'
'I don't like you.'


While Pyke is distracted by a penny, Scott zips past.
Scott mentally debates whether or not to rob the Crombies before leaving.

But is intercepted by Nooreen. Scott admires her for her purple sweater and her efforts.

But Nooreen is not impressed.

Scott attempts to repair their already broken relationship with an amusing anecdote involving forks...

... and painting.


Catriona meanwhile is STILL doing absolutely nothing, yet in a way that is most definitely eerie.

Uh oh... here comes trouble,
Someone's come along and burst my bubble...
Scott fancies Nooreen.

Pyke is rattled by Scott's presence and gives him a stern jab with her finger.
'Git outta here!'

Scott responds by trying to perforate one of Pyke's eyeballs in what could be considered something of an overreaction.

Since it's been a while since our sims wantonly set fire to anything, Jack does the honours.
'C'mon, c'mon, where's my cocoa pops?!'


'Yum... microwaved cocoa pops...'
And yet Jack couldn't shake the feeling that he'd forgotten something important.

A different fireman saves the day this time. I should put some sprinklers above that microwave, it's becoming a liability.

Seething, Scott finally heads home reflecting that of all the people he's met today the only one he hasn't spent any time with is Catriona.
'I'LL BE BACK...' he growls as he stalks off down the staircase.

Catriona, blissfully unaware of the dramas in other parts of the house, slowly dribbles down her chin.

'No, Nooreen, that's the moon.'

'Wow, I sure did learn a lot today about fire safety from that nice fireman. At least I haven't forgotten anything else. Goodnight, everyone!'

This is Jack missing his first day at work.

Eventually everyone, even Catriona, is in bed. Pyke is the last to go. Goodnight!
Day Four will begin at 6am.
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