Here they are, the four people and one cat that we will be sharing our experiences with. Hopefully none of them will meet a tragic end too early on. And yes, that's a million simoleons in the account.
Before we introduce these fine sims, I'm going to note that these people are not going to resemble their real-life counterparts in anything they do or say. They barely resemble their real-life counterparts in appearance for starters, but it was the closest I could manage. One problem with creating these sims was that none of them can have small round heads which every single Crombie should have with the possible exception of Catriona.
From left to right:
Catriona: Long brown hair (which should be darker, but there's no option for that there), a slightly gothic outfit, and her ubiquitous jeans. Of all the sims, I think Catriona's sim has the most accurate resemblance.
Jack: It's me! Sort of. There is no option anywhere in the options for long, curly hair so I had to make do with long, straight hair. We'll just have to assume I was viciously attacked by a gang of thugs wielding straighteners. Black jacket with a dark green shirt was the closest I could get to my own jacket, but at least the light blue jeans with black shoes fit. The picture makes me look like I've got some sort of back problem though which is ironic since I'm the only one there who shouldn't have one.
Rupert: Rupert is a cat. We put it in because Catriona likes cats. I fully expect it to demolish all the furniture we carefully selected to go into the house. What an asshole.
Pyke: Couldn't figure out how to give Pyke pink hair so I'm making do with blonde for now. Most likely due to animation complications, all sims are the exact same height. To those that know her, this makes Pyke look like she's been put on a rack. Maybe that's why she's got that dour expression on her face with her arms folded. While Catriona and I mug like idiots, she just loiters disinterestedly.
Nooreen on the other hand sees fit to essay a small nonchalant wave. She's cool with this. Natty purple shirt. Jeans. Dark-framed glasses. All she needs now is an iPhone in one hand and she's set.
There they are. The next post will cover the happenings of Day One from nine a.m. to twelve midnight.
Prepare yourself for a strange, twisted, and often self-contradictory journey. We're meeting The Crombies.
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